1,829 research outputs found

    Spazi e forme dell’esporre tra cabinet e museo pubblico

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    The essay aims to analyse the relationships between the culture of collecting and the architecture designed to display the collections, focusing particularly on how architects shape the container on the content. Starting from the private dwelling, Basso Peressut sheds light on the typological, formal, aesthetical and technical paradigms of the early-modern museums. Through the analyses of buildings and iconographic sources, Basso Peressut proceeds from the private dwelling, the most ancient early-modern museums in which the primitive concept of ownership as ornament shapes the collection display. In the cabinet the architecture works as a device enabling the creation of an order into an informal mass of objects. Once become social, the passion for collecting involves other kind of spaces for display, such as the gallery, a room more suitable for the needs of public ostentation rather than for the private enjoyment. Through paintings, engravings and illustrated catalogues, Basso Peressut investigates the display principles used in the seventeenth- and eighteenth-century painting galleries. In the passage from cabinet to gallery, Basso Peressut locates the origin of the seminal transformation of museums from a private to a public institution. The gallery represents a pivot in the architectural history of museum, which increasingly become a building type during the eighteenth century. The several museums that rose throughout Europe at that time, together with the academic concours and prix that made museum an object of architectural exercise contribute to this process definitely in motion at the turn of the century


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    In Leibniz’ writings the notion of justice (justitia, justice, Gerechtigkeit) performs a central function within the most varied spheres, from jurisprudence and politics, in the strict sense, to metaphysics. The fundamental categories of politics are conceived as the search for a common element among individuals belonging to a certain scenario. Light is shed on the relevance of the reference to Greek philosophy (in particular Plato). At the basis of Leibniz’ reasoning is an endeavour to recognize as far as possible the multiplicity of the social and political dimensions without reducing them to a single scheme. The aim, albeit with some internal difficulties, consists in understanding the individual-community relationship within the European context of the epoch, according to a partially different standpoint from that of contractualism (in particular Hobbes). In this sense justice is connected with the search for composite political bodies open to change

    Status of the class in the critque of political economy and politics.

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    This essay is centered on the element of the class, often removed in these years, focusing on its conceptual status, its relationship with reality and its critical potential. To address this theoretical plexus, the reference to Marx remains crucial. My essay, which tries to make reflection of Marx (and some Marxist theorists) interact with the contemporary debate, is divided into three parts. The first deals with the relationship between the critique of political economy and politics. The second focuses on the consequences of this approach on the status of the class. In the third part I try to highlight strengths and open problems in the investigated approach. What is at stake is to understand how we can relaunch this question in today’s scenario, changed with respect to the Marxian context, and on the basis of an interaction between the lines of class and race.Este ensayo se centra en el elemento de la clase, a menudo desatendido en estos años, en su significado conceptual, su relación con la realidad y su potencial crítico. Para afrontar este conjunto teórico es fundamental remitir a Marx. Al intentar reflexionar sobre cómo Marx (y algunos teóricos marxistas) intenta interactuar con el debate contemporáneo, el ensayo se divide en tres partes. La primera atañe a la relación entre la crítica de la economía política y la política. La segunda se fundamenta en las secuelas de este enfoque en el estatuto de clase. En la tercera se intenta hacer el balance de la situación y dar paso a nuevos enfoques de investigación. El objetivo es entender cómo promover esta cuestión en el escenario actual, diferente del contexto marxiano, partiendo de una interacción entre clase y raza

    Sartre and the Materialist Dialectic

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    My article focuses on the status of the materialist dialectic in Sartre, with particular reference to the second part of the Critique of Dialectical Reason, with the points of continuity and together with the lines of demarcation with respect to Marxism. The attempt is to keep together, albeit in an unstable manner, the investigation into the intelligibility of History with an approach that takes on the demands of Marxian materialism, with a strong enhancement of the political dimension of the struggles, but within the specific space of the situation.Il mio articolo è incentrato sullo statuto della dialettica materialista in Sartre, soprattutto in riferimento alla seconda parte della Critica della ragione dialettica, con i punti di continuità e insieme con le linee di demarcazione rispetto al marxismo. Il tentativo è di tenere insieme, seppur instabilmente, l’indagine sull’intelligibilità della Storia con un approccio che si fa carico delle istanze del materialismo marxiano, con una forte valorizzazione della dimensione politica delle lotte, ma all’interno dello spazio specifico della situazione

    European Museums: Mapping an Ongoing Change

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    While the investigation and the consideration of the role of contemporary museums and heritage has nowadays become a relevant component of the European agenda and lively debate on the subject is gaining prominence, nurtured also by several research projects and academic studies, museums themselves are questioning their raison d’être and roles, and undergoing a process of deep transformation of their missions, strategies, practices, spaces and exhibitions. Building on on this consideration, this essay sketches a theoretical introductory framework for the reading of the book "European Museums in the 21st Century"

    Development of Non Expensive Technologies for Precise Maneuvering of Completely Autonomous Unmanned Aerial Vehicles

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    In this paper, solutions for precise maneuvering of an autonomous small (e.g., 350-class) Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) are designed and implemented from smart modifications of non expensive mass market technologies. The considered class of vehicles suffers from light load, and, therefore, only a limited amount of sensors and computing devices can be installed on-board. Then, to make the prototype capable of moving autonomously along a fixed trajectory, a “cyber-pilot”, able on demand to replace the human operator, has been implemented on an embedded control board. This cyber-pilot overrides the commands thanks to a custom hardware signal mixer. The drone is able to localize itself in the environment without ground assistance by using a camera possibly mounted on a 3 Degrees Of Freedom (DOF) gimbal suspension. A computer vision system elaborates the video stream pointing out land markers with known absolute position and orientation. This information is fused with accelerations from a 6-DOF Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU) to generate a “virtual sensor” which provides refined estimates of the pose, the absolute position, the speed and the angular velocities of the drone. Due to the importance of this sensor, several fusion strategies have been investigated. The resulting data are, finally, fed to a control algorithm featuring a number of uncoupled digital PID controllers which work to bring to zero the displacement from the desired trajectory

    Gli intermediari del lavoro marittimo a Venezia tra XVII e XVIII secolo : galeotti e marinai

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    A partire dai secoli del Medioevo i lavoratori del mare hanno avuto sistemi di reclutamento del tutto particolari, gra-zie al fatto che si trattava di manodopera specializzata non facile da ingaggiare. Inoltre, tale categoria \u2013 i marittimi \u2013 era richiesta sia per le navigazioni commerciali, sia per equipaggiare le navi da guerra, considerato che ino alle soglie dell\u2019et\ue0 contemporanea non esisteva una netta divisione del lavoro tra la marina mercantile e quella militare. Per questi motivi il reclutamento dei rematori e dei marinai divenne strategico per gli Stati di Antico Regime, tanto che nel corso del XVII secolo si pass\uf2 da un reclutamento libero, imperniato in larga misura sull\u2019intermediazione di agenti non professionisti, ad un reclutamento regolato rigidamente dallo Stato, basato su mediatori autorizzati, professionalizzati, i cui tariffari vennero stabiliti per legge. In questo contesto \ue8 interessante presentare il caso della Repubblica di Venezia a cavallo dei secoli XVII e XVIII, quando a causa degli ultimi conlitti navali contro il Turco, fu costretta a regolamentare il lavoro degli intermediari che tradizionalmente ingaggiavano per conto della Serenissima rematori e marinai.Since the Middle Ages sea workers had speciic recruitment systems, thanks to the fact that they were skilled labourers not easily hirable. Furthermore, these maritime workers were demanded both for shipping and for manning warships, whereas till the beginning of the Contemporary era there was no evident distinction between the employment in shipping and in navy. For these reasons, recruitment of rowers and sailors became a crucial priority for Old Regime States, so that during the Seventeenth Century they moved from a free recruiting system, largely based on non-professional agents\u2019 medi-ation, to one strictly regulated by the State, founded on professionalized, licensed mediators, with tariff ixed by law. In this context, it is interesting to observe the case of the Republic of Venice between the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries, when \u2013 due to recent naval conlicts against the Turks \u2013 the Republic was forced to regulate the activities of the mediators traditionally employed to hire rowers and sailors on behalf of the Serenissim